Monday, June 6, 2011

Best. Argument. Ender. Ever.

‎"Blaming the other side is a fools errand, and an attempt to avoid personal responsibility. As is an inability to treat any subject as serious, I might add. Because if a subject were serious, we might have to do something about it. We might have to stand up for our beliefs. We might have to believe in something.
I believe. I believe with all my heart, and I back it up, every day. You don't have to take this discussion seriously. It's not an issue for you. Lots of things aren't issues for you. It might not be an issue for you if some kid I see on the street here has enough to eat, or whether my interpreter friends family is safe, or what justification is enough to pull a trigger. But that doesn't mean that other people don't wonder those questions, those issues. I wonder them. For me, this is an issue that matters, that has meaning. So are the others I describe. I put my life on the line, standing up for what I believe, for what I find to have meaning. I sincerely hope you have beliefs which you hold as strongly, although I doubt that you do. I'm sorry, that must be really sad. I hope you find reason, find purpose. I hope you find things that are true for you, and simple, and clear. I'm afraid it is very obvious to me that cutting off pieces of a child because they used to do it is evil. I'm sorry, but it is very obvious to me that your callous humor and petty squabbling just shows a lack of maturity and a desire for self gratification. Arguing with you is like jerking you off: it satisfies you, it leaves me feeling dirty and soiled, and brings us no closer to anything good. Have a great day."

Back to Afghanistan, again.

Sigh. Nothing deep. Words are meaningless, tawdry, cheap.
I am thankful I get to spend what time I have with my family.


Do you know how, when you aren't feeling confident, they tell you:
"Imagine other people putting on their pants. They do it the same way you do: One leg at a time."
Well, that's bullshit. I put on my pants both legs at the same time. Always have. Fuck you, world: I've got you outnumbered, all by myself.


So, I was thinking how amazingly open minded our country was.
Think about our presidents name.
It's like we had elected Adolph Moussellini president in 1948.
JFK almost didn't get elected because of his chosen religion.
Today, some people couldn't even tell you the difference between a Prostant and a Catholic.
Yet we managed to see beyond this mans name and his race, see past stories about his religion and his birth, and saw fit to elect him to lead us.
What'll we have in twenty years?
A Chinese Lesbian Hermaphrodite worshipper of Ra?
More power to us, if s/he's the best (wo)man for the job!